Who We Are

SDT operates as a defence sector company that develops domestic products and capabilities in R&D-based fields. Since its establishment in 2005, it has produced and put into use various defence electronics and software products.

In accordance with its areas of expertise, SDT indigenously produces:

  • sensor (radar, infrared etc.) and electronic warfare signal processing and analysis systems;
  • image processing and analysis software;
  • satellite ground stations, satellite signal/data processing and analysis systems;
  • associated electronic and avionics systems of aerial platforms and weapon systems;
  • electronic units for land platforms;
  • RF Jammer systems, weapon guidance electronics and simulation/information systems.

SDT has certified its Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of AS 9100 Rev D, TS EN ISO 9001 2015, AQAP 2310, AQAP 2210, CMMI – DEV ML 3 and CMMI – SPM ML 3. SDT Quality Management System also meets the requirements of IEEE/EIA 12207, IEEE 1220 and MIL-STD-498 in engineering processes, and MIL-STD-973 and ANSI/EIA-649 requirements in Configuration Management processes.

As9100d Logo

Cmmi Dev Logo

Cmmi Spm Logo


SDT is a key player in the Turkish defence sector, and is serving everywhere in the field with high-tech products developed using national means.

As a company that is committed to the requirements of its Quality Management System, SDT embraces the principles of:

  • satisfying customer needs in the most appropriate and competitive way through its processes and practices;
  • ensuring sustainable growth in both the domestic and international markets through effective and efficient teamwork of its employees, and bringing its products/solutions to integrative, strong collaborations with other companies;
  • ensuring, increasing and maintaining the satisfaction of all stakeholders (customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, subcontractors, business partners) while providing confidence to society through the products and services it develops and produces;
  • operating all in-house functions in an integrated manner with a process approach based on measurement and improvement, and managing these functions based on the acquired data;
  • improving and managing the competencies of all its employees in accordance with the requirements of the quality system, attaching importance to sharing information within the company, and focusing on continuous improvement and development considering each employee as an integral part of the whole.


Welcome to the website of SDT Space and Defence Technologies! This website (“website”) belongs to SDT Uzay ve Savunma Teknolojileri Anonim Şirketi (“SDT”). Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using the site. By accessing and using the Site, you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following points.

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  • The general appearance and design of the Site, as well as the intellectual and industrial property rights of all the visual, written and audio content on the Site belong to SDT, and are under legal protection pursuant to the relevant legislation. The inclusion of any such content in the Site can in no way be interpreted as granting any right, authorization, license or permission to third parties regarding its use. The content of this site cannot be copied, reproduced, transferred, copied, uploaded to another computer, translated into another language or used for any other purposes without the prior written consent of SDT.
  • All trademarks and logos on the Site, the property rights of which belong to SDT, are legally protected pursuant to the relevant legislation, and cannot be used by third parties for any purpose without the written consent of SDT.
  • Any legal responsibility that may arise from the use of the content, trademarks and logos on the site in violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights falls upon the violating user.
  • The site is prepared for informational purposes. Neither SDT, nor any of its board members, managers or employees, are responsible for any loss incurred during and/or due to the use of the Site or any content thereof.
  • SDT makes no commitments and/or gives no guarantees that the information and content on the Site are appropriate for use for any purpose, nor does it guarantee that they are accurate, complete, up-to-date or reliable. SDT accepts no responsibility for losses that may arise from delays and/or incomplete or incorrect information.
  • These Terms of Use and legal notices apply to the Site only, and do not cover any other third-party websites that you may access through links on the Site. SDT gives no guarantees regarding the privacy policies of third-party websites to which you may access through the Site.
  • Should the judicial authorities and/or state institutions/organizations request information about any user pursuant to the relevant legislation, including the Turkish Penal Code, SDT has the right to immediately disclose such information without requiring the consent of that user. If it is detected that a user has carried out a cyber-attack and/or has engaged in a malicious act against the Site and/or SDT systems, SDT has the right to take legal action, including the identification of the user’s ID.

Ensuring information security is of vital importance for the defence sector, SDT’s predominant area of operation. With this in mind, our company is committed to ensuring in all of its activities that the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of its information assets, and those of its internal and external stakeholders in accordance with the established Information Security Management System that it has been maintaining according to the TS ISO/IEC 27001 standard.

To this end, our company:

  • complies with the legal, regulatory and contractual obligations related to information security;
  • establishes, implements and maintains a risk management methodology for the identification, assessment and control of risks against information assets;
  • develops, implements, tests and continuously improves appropriate business continuity plans and systems to ensure that its business activities can continue with minimum interruption;
  • organizes regular training and awareness-raising activities to increase information security awareness;
  • improves constantly its ISMS with regular audits and reviews based on objective measurement, and determines control targets to increase its information security performance;
  • ensures that appropriate measures are taken and the necessary sanctions are imposed related to the management of information security violations, and the prevention of their recurrence.



In line with the dynamic characteristics of the 21st century, it is aimed to transition the company to a structure that supports the effective and proactive response to needs that change over time, based on the use of both rapidly developing technologies and the company’s agile business processes.


As a brand integrated with the products it develops, it is aimed to turn SDT into a recognized brand in both the domestic and international markets within its field of activity.


With the development of existing capabilities, it is aimed to introduce innovative products and solutions to the market, and to expand the customer portfolio taking into account not only the defence sector, but also adjacent sectors, and to take advantage of export potentials while focusing on efficiency in all business processes.


a preferred company both in national and international markets due to its designed & manufactured products
an efficient and effective company that grows both in domestic and international markets via its cooperation & teaming approach and
a company that improves the satisfaction of its employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers and the whole society.


To provide sustainable, competitive and reliable Turkish products and engineering solutions both in national and international markets by respecting all stakeholders’ interests.


Continuous Improvement and Development

Continuously improves both its corporate understanding and activities in a way that satisfies the requirements of the prevailing period, sector, market and technologies. .

Team Spirit

Implements and supports the principle of devoted collective work to achieve the common corporate goal.


Carries out all kinds of activities with a perspective that is focused on the future, company objectives and results.


Makes use of promising new technologies and up-to-date methodologies in the design and development of innovative products, and implements innovative practices.  


Makes quick and straightforward decisions, takes prompt action, and adapts to changing conditions without loss of progress.

Efficient and Effective

Carries out all of its activities in a way that leads to the added value generation and by optimizing resource use.

Continuous Improvement and Development

Continuously improves both its corporate understanding and activities in a way that satisfies the requirements of the prevailing period, sector, market and technologies. .

Team Spirit

Implements and supports the principle of devoted collective work to achieve the common corporate goal.


Carries out all kinds of activities with a perspective that is focused on the future, company objectives and results.


Makes use of promising new technologies and up-to-date methodologies in the design and development of innovative products, and implements innovative practices.  


Makes quick and straightforward decisions, takes prompt action, and adapts to changing conditions without loss of progress.

Efficient and Effective

Carries out all of its activities in a way that leads to the added value generation and by optimizing resource use.


SDT attaches importance to long-term strategic business partnerships for the achievement of its future objectives.

In this context, SDT has been maintaining its business partnership with TAMGÖR in the field of RF jammers for many years and has been providing the Turkish Armed Forces with its products in the field of jammers. In 2023, SDT acquired all of the shares of CEY Defence and Simulation Systems Inc., which operates in the field of simulation systems, and added another capability to its investments in the field of simulation through inorganic growth. Likewise in the last days of 2023, SDT acquired a 40% stake in Sirius Design Laboratory Inc. and became a partner, continuing to invest in advanced technology-based R&D and P&D activities.

Tamgor Bordered

Cey Defence Logo

Sirius Logo

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